Tuesday, April 3, 2012

easter eggs

busy weekend with a busy 4 year old! the weather was pretty dreary all weekend but we did what we could outside when it was nice. #2 grandson helped me around the yard and we took plenty of walks. the time always seems to go so fast when they are home.
saturday i noticed i didnt have Internet so i was talking with the phone company alot. i had mom and jana come over to bond and be here with me as the phone guy was suppose to come by. i told them i had left over quiche from the weekend...yum as always. and all of a sudden it was 1pm and mom made us egg salad sandwiches. soo good! i called the phone company and they said he had fixed the problem about 9:30 and didnt need to come out.... soo i sent them home to get on with their day! it was a nice monday morning of bonding tho and i even did alittle rug hooking! i have a feeling its going to be a busy week of getting a few necessary things caught up like taxes, vet, ect....

                enjoy your day!               jody


  1. Hi Jody, thanks for visiting my blog. I'm enjoying reading about your soap making. This sounds so interesting. I love the quilts.I think that I like your life style.

  2. Your gandson's face is priceless when they are dying eggs.
    Have a wonderful Easter.

  3. Hi Jody,loved the pics! Looks like your grandson was having a blast dying the eggs.Hugs,Jen
