Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Cobblers were....

at Cobbler Carol P's house last week! she offered to have us there as i was busy with wedding stuff and had all 4 pups here at the house too. Thank You Carol P!!!!
After a tour of her house and sewing room we.... Ate pizza, fruit, salad and dessert!

Carols fur babe Bell

Carol loves COLOR and had just added this chair to her living room
its so colorful and fun!

i think these were called fake moca bars and they were so good!

 Carol F had submitted a tip to Fons & Porters Quilting show
and it was excepted and going to be used! how fun for Carol!
 Auntie Mary had a couple show and tells that she had
bought at the flea market she sells at.

this Union Lake had a place for a picture and she said
a young child had made these. im sure it will hang in her
home at the lake!

 Marys son has a company so she was punching his logo..

Always fun to catch up with the Cobblers!

enjoy your day!                                    Jody


  1. That is truly a very colorful chair. What fun you have when you get together!

  2. Awwww Jody, you always have such great posts with family, love it. That is a color full chair and food looks yummy, Hugs Francine.

  3. You ladies are just the coolest women!!!

  4. What a fun time! The food looks incredible and I love that colorful chair! Enjoy your Sunday my friend! Hugs!
