Friday, August 15, 2014

Fiber Arts Road Trip...

I jumped in the car last Sunday and off to this!

 i thought this was a cool idea...
she just gorilla glued the cup down and made a pincushion
for in the cup. nice plate to hold sewing needs!

i ran into a friend Sue and she
showed me a book her sister wrote...

i went to the show to see my blog friend Traci from
so nice to see her and her husband and catch up a bit!
and then i cant leave Fargo with out a
Granit City Flatbread Pizza!
i did share with Daughter Angie....

Dad continues to be doing really good!!

Enjoy your weekend my Blog Friends!                              Jody


  1. that is a great idea! I have some of those cup and plates too.
    The wool looks wonderful and everyone is smiling and who could pass up that pizza? So glad your dad is doing well.

  2. Yeah for Dad! What a fun day trip -- meeting up with friends, seeing all of that creative goodness, and eat an amazing pizza. Enjoy your weekend, Jody!

  3. i love that cup and saucer pin cushion!

  4. This looks like a great week-end trip! Clever with the cup and saucer design. xo

  5. How fun--I love the pincushion! And the pizza! and YAY, Daddy!

  6. What fun and a really cool idea.
    I'm drooling over the trunk of wool.
    You are blessed dear friend,
    Send me some pizza..
    Woolie hugs

  7. Awesome! The teacup pin cushion is a great idea!
