Sunday, January 15, 2012

cone heads

Some times when i look at these old treasures hanging here i think i should draw a smile face on them, they remind me of the old beehive hair dos of the 50s. its hard to believe that come summer they are almost hidden by the vines and rhubarb plants that grow beneath them. those rhubarb leaves make a great  bird bath when used with cement. oh such plans......        enjoy your day!      jody


  1. lol,Jody,I like old things too,treasures from the past ! Thank you for the follow,and the comments I really appreciate that. Blessings Jane

  2. lol,Jody,I like old things too,treasures from the past ! Thank you for the follow,and the comments I really appreciate that. Blessings Jane

  3. jody girl,

    this is such a great way to see your mind and soul at work.
    i too have visions of things that are not. it makes the world a delightful place to discover.

    cone heads or knomes? i think knomes. haha

  4. Hi Jody, I just came over and followed from Cathy @ "Acorn Hollow." Looks like you're off to a flying start with your blog! It's a lot of fun, I've enjoyed it immensely and I hope you do too!

    Love your "cone heads" can't wait to see them in the Spring as the vines start to take over!

    When you have a moment, please stop by and say hello. I love company and new friends are always welcome!


  5. Oh Jody.... love your coneheads!! Remember the coneheads on Sat. Night Live back in the 70's!! Too funny!
    That is a great photo and would be fun on a greeting card!!
    So glad you started blogging!!
    Cathy G

  6. I have a feeling when the snow melts we will see some wonderful gardens.

  7. I just can't wait to make a garden. I was just talking about it with my husband. I've always had flower beds, and this new house has no flowers yet. Come, spring, come! Great picture, btw!!

  8. its hard to believe that come summer they are almost hidden by the vines and rhubarb plants that grow beneath them.
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