Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We haven't had...

sunshine in a few days again...but it is peaking thru the clouds!!
some yard work and a storm window or two to hopefully get done today!

 the neighbor girls were playing in my porch, i found this...

Grandmas Bitter-Sweet is still thriving... after all these years..

im going on a road trip friday to visit son Jason/Jessie, to check out their new house before the snow flies!
the cobblers meet out the lake on saturday for the annual get-together... i will miss it for the first time in years.. i wonder who i can get to take pictures? sister Jana?...
Auntie Mary?

enjoy your day!         jody


  1. Isn't that cute that the girls decorated the bird house with bittersweet.
    It's that time of year to get ready for the cold winter ahead. I hope it's a mild one this year.

    Sorry that you'll miss the annual gathering but visiting your son's place is important. Have a safe trip.

  2. have a fun trip! i keep trying to grow bittersweet but so far no luck.

  3. So sweet of the girls and I m sure they loved playing with the house.
    Have a safe trip!

  4. Sweet porch Jody, love the house decorated with Bittersweet......have fun visiting, Blessings Francine.

  5. love the porch, and the photos, esp. the sweet friend in the sunshine!
    enjoy the visit, tell them yes, photos there!
