Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mommy & Daddy..

Were so happy to be home after a long day of work...

I was awake at 5 this am, could here her squirming...
Good morning g-ma!! I couldn't resist!

My children gave me this "Vera" all in one purse they thought id like while hitting the sales! Thanx guys i love it!!

So now Mom & Dad are gone to work and baby is sleeping soo
Its orange/cranberry scones and coffee for this g-ma!

Angelas taking good care of Emma and getting a hang of giving shots!
Thank you daughter Angie!

Enjoy your day!! Jody

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Oh my, what a little doll, so so cute. Blessings Francine.

  2. Oh sweetness! Such a beautiful baby.Lots of cuddling for you I'm sure. Warm Blessings! Amy

  3. Don't you love the little sounds of the baby? The wonderful way she smells in the folds of her neck? I just want to hold this precious doll of yours--just hold her and rock and talk to her.

  4. Oh what a precious new baby...she looks like a little Betsy Wetsy! So cute.
    I love the picture of her with mommy and daddy.
    You are blessed


  5. Now, that little one is simply gorgeous. I know you love her to pieces. :)
