Monday, July 29, 2019

Jaydens Italian Sodas!

well it was a bit cool Saturday early am market day, but warmed up and was a nice day!
Jayden had fun and did well selling his Italian sodas! 
Angela and little Brody were there to help!

Carol P, husband Chuck and Bell came for an Italian Soda!

*Italian Sodas*
Syrup of your choice
(we only could get Raspberry, from Starbucks)
due to me waiting til last minute!
a splash of half/half
soda or seltzer water 
Whip Cream with sprinkles!

this is what i did
 Saturday night after a busy market day!
love my new green wools!

Daughter Angela has a Friend who is going to 
have Twins! her baby shower is this weekend
so Angela has been busy!
I love the Boy and Girl Fabrics!

Sister Jana/Steves youngest son of 4,
 AJ got married on Saturday, 
a small intimate family wedding. 
they will renew their vows
 and have a reception next summer! 
they are heading to Missouri
 so Kennedy can start Vet School.
Congratulations all! 

Sister Jana and Steve! 

enjoy your summer days my blog friends!              jody


  1. Jayden looks so happy, I'm glad he did well selling his Italian Sodas. Your wool looks marvelous. It's so much fun using wool that we dye ourself. Congratulations to the young couple and a long and happy life to them.
    Stay cool.
    Hugs, Julia
